

CAPPAssurance Global service lines concentrate on three areas:

More organisations are seeing the benefit of developing one integrated business management system to improve performance and to manage risks at all levels. Whether driven by management of quality and customer satisfaction (ISO 9001), environmental impact (ISO 14001), occupational health and safety (ISO 45001), physical asset management (ISO 55001), business continuity (ISO 22301), or Enterprise Risk Management (COSO/ISO 31000), CAPPAssurance Global is well qualified to advise on management system architecture to enable performance improvement.

Our clients have provided glowing feedback on CAPPAssurance Global’s risk-based approach to process mapping and development of performance metrics to improve business processes and overall organisational effectiveness

CAPPAssurance Global can deliver internal management system and compliance auditing services in support of firms maintaining ISO Certifications or self declaration to conformance. Since the late 1990s, the level of audit experience has surpassed 2400 audit days for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22301, and ISO 55001-based organisation management systems. With certified lead auditor status, CAPPAssurance Global has conducted environmental and occupational health & safety compliance audits involving Federal, Provincial, Municipal, and international jurisdictional regulations, and supply-chain based contractual requirements for operational risk management.

Many organisations have embraced ISO-based management systems to address operational risk. Whether fully integrated or developed incrementally, these systems were implemented over time in response to various drivers: customer or supply chain requirements, the desire for proactivity, to address regulatory risk, and/or to meet industry association commitments. Increasingly, these operational level management systems are embedded within the business context. The most effective systems are enterprise level and outward looking, featuring SMART objectives to drive performance improvement for communication beyond the Board to investors and stakeholders in support of social licence. The objectives have been therefore designed with an eye to addressing stakeholder needs, and crafted to inform outward communication to financial analysts, i.e., ESG reporting. The management system objectives and targets are largely science-based and backed by robust processes for data gathering and control, lending management the confidence that they are achievable. CAPPAssurance Global sees a clear path for organisations to lever the performance objectives and metrics produced by its robust operational risk management systems to inform its ESG Scorecard with data that is science based, defensible, and supporting materiality in financial reporting.

Spoiler Alert – You can’t manage in the short term what you don’t already measure.

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